Panic Attack by Nathaniel Krow
No, I don't wanna, panic
But I see myself myself goin’, manic
Too much goin on, I've had it
The demons in my head, they're savage
It's been stressful
With school, with friends, with life
They turn their back, call me an asshole
But, oh, they're so right
In a panic, heart starts pounding
Seeing tunnel, can't stay grounded
Chills down my spine, mind's howling
Ringing in my ears, feel surrounded
No one sees, no one notices
I'm invisible, hidden in plain sight
A ticking time bomb, ready to blow
Heart's gonna explode
A light buzz in my pocket.
That's all it took.
A buzz from my phone.
A message from you.
“Hay :>”
“How are you?”
Tear-stained cheeks, runny nose
I hold my phone in my hands
Breathe in, breathe out
I text you back
“Hewo :3”
“I'm alright, hbu?”
A moment passes, typing…
Breathe in, breathe out
Keep messaging, keep breathing
Smile a little, feeling so much better
Giggle at your text, full grin
Grateful, thank you so much
Demons in my head don't stand a chance
Not with the angel in my phone.